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Bunny Boy
Bunny Boy

Posts : 129
Reputation : 3
Join date : 2009-11-03
Age : 32
Location : Behind you.

Blackmarks Empty
PostSubject: Blackmarks   Blackmarks EmptyTue Nov 03, 2009 6:21 pm

Blackmark points are given when you break a rule. The more blackmark points you build up, the bigger the consequence you recieve.

If you receive 5 blackmarks, you will be given a 3 day ban. After the ban, if you continue to rule-break and receive 5 more blackmarks, you get a 7 day ban. Any further rule breaking will result in a Perm Ban
*Some blackmarks are permanent.

You can see how much blackmark point is worth at the Rules thread.

Thank you,
Owner Bunny Boy
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